Press release: 22nd February 2021
The European Union’s Horizon 2020 INFRAIA programme has awarded a 5 M€ infrastructure grant to MOSBRI (Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure, a consortium of 13 academic centres of excellence and 2 industrial partners from 11 different European countries, coordinated by Institut Pasteur (Paris, France)
Molecular-scale biophysics is the study of the architecture, dynamics and interactions of the giant molecules of life (proteins, DNA, RNA, polysaccharides, lipids) via measurements of their physical properties. It is fundamental to both our understanding of how living organisms work, and our ability to block or enhance the function of these molecules, notably for therapeutic purposes. Deciphering the complexity of the behaviour of macromolecular assemblies requires a multi-faceted approach resorting to a variety of distinct biophysical methods.
The MOSBRI project will enable to create a geographically distributed, scientifically integrated research infrastructure combining the distinct instrumentation and expertise of the individual partner laboratories, thus allowing to tackle an unusually wide variety of life science research questions. Access to the large panel of cutting-edge biophysical technologies and unparalleled range of expertise of the consortium will be available at no cost to all European researchers from both academia and industry.

MOSBRI will also ensure the optimal use of these advanced biophysical techniques and foster joint developments, further boosting the advancement of knowledge and technology. It will also disseminate its knowhow through an ambitious programme of training workshops and meetings, particularly suited to early career researchers and others new to the field.
MOSBRI will therefore play an important role in maintaining Europe’s leading position in the rapidly evolving research and development field of Molecular Biophysics, which holds a strategic position at the crossroads of a variety of disciplines and is thus critical for cellular, molecular and structural biology, biological chemistry, as well as biomedicine, bio-production and biotechnology.
MOSBRI will commence operations on the 1st of July of 2021.
For more information visit the website ( or email
3/1-2021: Universidad Zaragoza,
8/2-2021: University of Groningen,
22/2-2021: EMBL Hamburg,
10/3-2021: Aarhus University,
17/3-2021: Sapienza, Universita de Roma,
19/3-2021: Institut Pasteur,