These courses will be focussed on specific research areas, enabling end-users to network and to get acquainted with specific techniques available in the network. Each short course will last up to three days and consist of tutorial lectures, hands-on exercises and/or instrument demos. Up to 10 attendees are expected for each short course (2-3 days per course, with a total of 100 attendees for all courses), and speakers will be network members. Practical training provided through short courses is an important means of dissemination of biophysical techniques in order to improve the skills and know-how necessary for performing these specialized experiments, as well as to encourage TNA applications.

Follow the links to find out more about a specific course. Those without links are still in the planning stage and will be added later.
- ESC1 (AU-SRCD) Circular Dichroism: best practice and data analysis
When: 3rd -5th November 2021. Where: Aarhus University, Denmark - ESC2 (ProLinC) Fluorescence microscopy for amyloid fibril imaging
When: 23rd -25th May 2022. Where: Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden - ESC3 (EMBL-SPC) Quality control for integral membrane proteins
When: 12th -14th September 2022. Where: Hamburg, Germany - ESC4 (DSB-UROM) Advanced kinetic approaches to unravel protein structure and function
When: 2nd -4th October 2023. Where: Rome, Italy - ESC5 (MoB-IBT) Label-free techniques for the characterisation of protein interactions
When: 3rd -5th May 2023. Where: Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic - ESC6 (EPR-MS) EPR spectroscopy: spin labelling of radicals and metal centres for the study of protein dynamics
When: 15th -17th May 2023. Where: Marseille, France - ESC7 (RUG-BP) Single molecule approaches
When: 6th -8th November 2023. Where: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands - ESC8 (BIFI-LACRIMA) Basic and advanced protocols in biological calorimetry
When: 8th -10th July 2024. Where: Zaragoza, Spain - ESC9 (LAMBS) Correlative microscopy: from cells to single molecules
When: 2nd – 6th December 2024. Where: Genoa, Italy - ESC10 (NIC) Protein-membrane interactions
When: 12th – 14th May 2025. Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia