Techniques offered under instrumentation/methodologies TNA

MOSBRI offers access to a range of biophysical instruments and methodologies at our partner sites. Below is a list of the techniques provided by the partners through TNA. The full partner description can be found by following the links of the partner acronym under the technique, those in bold indicate the reference site with expertise in this technique.

All partners offer on-site access to these techniques, while many of the TNA partner sites also offer remote access in the form of sample ship-in services, see the full partner descriptions for details about this offer. For a list of sites offering products as TNA see the Products page.

These techniques form the basis of a variety of methodologies, all of which are described in detail on the individual partner pages (linked under each technique).

  • The MOSBRI reference site for a technique is highlighted as bold text, other sites offering the techniques are listed under the reference site. Read more about the partners offering the techniques by following the links.
  • More information about a technique, including sample requirements, can be found by following the link for the technique.
  • In the last year of the MOSBRI TNA programme (ends June 2025), some TNA sites and techniques are no longer available. These are indicated with a line through the partner name.