Previous events

Friday 4th August 2023

On Friday the 4th of August 2023, a MOSBRI-ARBRE organised session took place at the EBSA 2023 conference in Stockholm.

The session “Breakthrough methods in molecular biophysics” was co-organised by the ARBRE association and MOSBRI, with the support of the French Biophysical Society (SFB) and chaired by Isabel Alves (Bordeaux) and Tomasz Kobiela (Warsaw). The session was well attended, with ~100 people in the audience.

Read more about this event, including details of the talks.

2nd MOSBRI scientific conference 2023

Dates: 5th-7th June 2023
Location: Patio de La Infanta – iberCaja (Salon Rioja), C/ San Ignacio de Loyola, 16, 50008 Zaragoza, Spain

For more information regarding this conference, follow this link.

MOSBRI Workshop: Handling fibrillar and amyloid proteins

Date: 2nd February 2023

Location: Online (Hosted by ProLinC)

Online workshop and consensus meeting

Read more about this workshop here.

MOSBRI Workshop: Pushing the limits with Differential Scanning Fluorimetry

Dates: 16th-17th November 2022

Location: EMBL Hamburg (c/o DESY) (EMBL-SPC)

Full address: EMBL (c/o DESY), Notkestrasse 85, Build. 25a, 22607 Hamburg, Germany

Hybrid workshop

Read more about this workshop here.

Wednesday 19th October 2022 from 09:00-12:00

Click the image to view more information.

The European Science Foundation, the MOSBRI Project, the VITALISE Project and EuroPlanet co-organised a side event within the framework of the ICRI 2022 Conference in Brno regarding “Long-term sustainability of small and mid-scale distributed RI projects”. The event took place on Wednesday, 19 October 2022 from 9:00-12:00am in a hybrid form, with in-person attendance capacity and unlimited online participation spots.

Four pan-European INFRAIA projects and organisations, i.e., the European Science Foundation, the MOSBRI project, the VITALISE project and EuroPlanet, co-hosted the “Long-term sustainability of small and mid-scale distributed RI projects” hybrid side event of the ICRI 2022 Conference.

Read more about this event, including details of the main outcomes of the event and who was in attendance.

Thursday 22nd September 2022 from 15:00-15:30

The ENRIITC your Coffee event – The MOSBRI project: Challenges for the sustainability of INFRAIA projects after Horizon 2020 – took place on Thursday the 22nd of September 2022, 15:00-15:30

ENRIITC is the European Network of Research Infrastructures and Industry for Collaboration. They are 11 Partners and 60+ Associates working together to establish a pan-European network of Industrial Liaison and Contact Officers (ILOs/ICOs) to improve the RI-industry cooperation and boost the innovation ecosystem in Europe.

This event was an interactive session where Patrick England and Liliana Avila Ospina presented MOSBRI and discussed briefly the sustainability of INFRAIA projects after H2020 funding.

1st MOSBRI scientific conference 2022

Dates: 20th-22nd June 2022
Location: Institut Pasteur, 28 rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

For more information regarding this conference, follow this link.

MOSBRI Training Schools and Courses

Listed below are the courses and training schools organised by MOSBRI, which have taken place. Full lists of each type planned to take place during the course of the MOSBRI programme can be found by following the links near the bottom of each section.

Basic Level Schools

View a full list of MOSBRI Basic Level Schools

Advanced Level Schools

View a full list of MOSBRI Advanced Level Schools

End User Short Courses

View a full list of MOSBRI End User Short Courses